Irving S. Gilmore Foundation

Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy

Within the Kalamazoo city limits, tucked behind the former Nazareth College, are 60 acres of forest and wetland threaded by Spring Valley Creek, known as the Bow in the Clouds Preserve. Bow in the Clouds is a pocket paradise invisible from the road, sheltered by timbered ravines and blissfully set apart from the clamor of urban life.

This public preserve was donated by the Congregation of St. Joseph (CSJ) to the Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy (SWMLC) in 2007. It’s a place where visitors can traverse a lush wetland from the relative comfort of a 1,000-foot boardwalk; or, they can hike on almost one mile of foot paths, including a footbridge over a rushing stream where students from neighboring Spring Valley Elementary like to hunt for tadpoles and crayfish.

Since its inception in 1991, SWMLC has helped create 43 preserves and safeguards nearly 12,000 acres of woods, wetlands, dunes, lakes, rivers and farmland across southwest Michigan. The challenge has always been to balance human use with natural preservation. SWMLC relies on a strong volunteer corps to maintain its preserves and restore their ecological vitality and function.

Bow in the Clouds is an extraordinary gift. SWMLC will help revive native habitat and improve visitor access which includes plans for barrier-free accommodations. “We want the public to use this preserve for what we call ‘re-creation,'” said CSJ’s Sister Virginia “Ginny” Jones when the property was donated. “We know that before formal religion existed, people encountered something of the holy in the natural world. And that something — that peace, solitude and wisdom — is what we believe people can still find here.”

Kalamazoo Public Schools (Kalamazoo Arts Integration Initiative)

The Kalamazoo Arts Integration Initiative (KAII), begun in 2003, has focused on forming partnerships with teachers and artists in the Kalamazoo Public Schools in order to create meaningful arts-integrated curriculum. During its first 10 years, KAII has worked to build community by further developing and nurturing partnerships with local community groups, businesses, cultural organizations, institutions of higher education and parents to enhance understanding, resources and support for arts education.

KAII provides educational opportunities for classroom teachers and students to use the arts as a vehicle for learning. In turn these opportunities encourage imagination and, therefore, creativity in the classroom. As education expert and MacArthur Fellow Robert Root-Bernstein has written, “Learning to think creatively in one discipline opens the door to understanding creative thinking in all disciplines. Educating this universal creative imagination is the key to producing lifelong learners capable of shaping the innovations of tomorrow.” (Preface, Sparks of Genius: The Thirteen Thinking Tools of the World’s Most Creative People 1999).

KAII’s learning opportunities come in myriad ways. For example, Northglade Montessori Magnet School elementary students are learning, studying and understanding science curriculum — specifically, animal habitats, weather, life cycles and water cycles — by making connections with art and nature. Through KAII they are engaged in meaningful learning experiences where they are active participants in their education. In this unit students are listening and dancing to Vivaldi’s, The Four Seasons; creating weather events through music and dance improvisation; creating original music and movement to children’s literature (The Hungry Caterpillar, for example); creating an original book with student photography, printing, creative writing, papermaking and binding; and creating an original song about habitats with local songwriter, Steve Barber.

In the after-school Declaration Tree and Hope Quilt projects, students have used literacy strategies to brainstorm, describe, design and fashion collaborative works of visual art and creative writing for installations and permanent displays throughout the community. These projects build supportive bridges providing young artists from lowincome homes an opportunity to participate in a public reception and exhibit. Students are engaged in a positive and enriching art experience where they share ideas with each other and members of the community, being embraced by a community that has involved them in all stages of the project — design, creation, discussion and exhibition.

As a cross-curricular, multi-disciplinary, integrated approach to education, KAII offers much more than traditional curriculum alone. Indeed, through creative, self-expressive, multi-cultural experiences, KAII fosters increased academic achievement, healthy social and emotional development, and an enriched quality of life.

Kalamazoo Gay Lesbian Resource Center

The primary focus of the Kalamazoo Gay Lesbian Resource Center (Resource Center) is youth programming. Working with area schools we have trained educators on best practices regarding the ramifications of bullying on all marginalized youth populations. We have also fostered a relationship with each public high school in the Kalamazoo/Portage area, working directly with administrators, staff, and students to create an accepting community. Our online harassment reporting system, the Bully Button, is present at all area schools, offering a consistent method of reporting bias incidents in Kalamazoo and the surrounding areas.

The Resource Center recognizes the intersecting identities facing much of our community. Many parts of our identities can subject us to discrimination, so the Resource Center is working with the Alliance For Justice, a local coalition of organizations pushing for comprehensive immigration reform. This coalition is beginning the push to share stories of those who are affected by immigration reform, while being inclusive of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues such as binational same-sex couples.

Overall, the Resource Center has been on an incredible upswing in outreach and impact over the past two years. The staff and board of directors look forward to continued growth, expansion, and creating a community that celebrates the diverse spectrum of all sexual orientations and gender identities.