Irving S. Gilmore Foundation

Read and Write Kalamazoo (RAWK) / Vine Neighborhood Association


Read and Write Kalamazoo (RAWK) was born of the need for students to have places outside of school to foster their growth as writers and to nurture confidence in their own minds — places that provide positive adult interaction and supportive community engagement from as soon as students are reading and writing, and throughout their time in school. The importance of supplying these supports is plain: not only is literacy essential for success in school and in the workplace, but it also reinforces communication skills and the capacity for healthy lives and relationships. RAWK offers opportunities for building these fundamentals and a means for the larger community to support students in their growth.

RAWK endeavors to foster a culture of literacy with students and their families, and creates an opportunity for local colleges and the greater community to contribute to the success of each student through volunteer commitments and events. RAWK maintains a warm and creative environment, a safe space in which students may express themselves, develop positive relationships with people of all ages, and build self-esteem. Poetry, journalism, fiction, reader’s theater workshops, and classes culminate in publications and live readings, which the students present to the public. Through projectbased learning, small groups, and a low adult-to-student ratio, RAWK offers students an environment free from the pressures of the school setting in which to develop and own their minds and voices.

Tillers International / Rural Futures


Tillers International (Tillers) is a non-profit organization for international rural development, specializing in farming with oxen. Based in Scotts, Mich., at the Cook’s Mill Learning Center, Tillers offers classes in appropriate technology, farming techniques, draft animal power, blacksmithing and metal work, timber framing, woodworking, cheese making, and many other agricultural and artisanal skills for members of the Kalamazoo community and beyond. Tillers also hosts interns, both international and domestic, and international guests for intensive periods of hands-on training. Whether participants are looking for a new hobby, a new land- or skill-based livelihood, or an opportunity to contribute their knowledge and skills to local or international projects, Tillers welcomes people from all over the globe and offers myriad unique educational opportunities.

In 2014, Tillers embarked on a new initiative, the creation of a roadside Processing and Market Building. This new structure will serve as a place for Tillers’ Young Farmer Incubator Program to wash, sort, and properly store their produce for Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs and farmers’ markets. It will also serve the local public as a roadside fresh produce market stand. This initiative will be of special interest in the Kalamazoo area in relation to KVCC’s new Health Focused Campus.

Young Adult Diversion Court Program / Kalamazoo County Government


The Young Adult Diversion Court (YADC) is a problem-solving solution for first-time criminal offenders, persons 17 through 20 years of age, who are sentenced to probation on a misdemeanor charge under a diversion statute, and who are at risk of losing that diversion status which then results in a conviction of a criminal charge and a criminal record. This program was launched in 2014.

YADC is radically different from traditional probation or any other specialty programs, in that the 8th District Court is partnering with other Kalamazoo County governmental departments and with community-based agencies to create an integrated and comprehensive court review program that focuses on the issues that have led these young adults into the justice system. YADC represents a paradigm shift from a traditional systemwide punitive format to a positive, self-actualizing model addressing each individual’s needs as a whole person.

YADC encourages and facilitates enrollment in education and counseling; explores healthy life choices; provides the opportunity to find one’s own voice through curricula, instruction and mentorship; and promotes individual exploration of personal growth and esteem, social development, relationship to family and community, as well as community responsibility and job exploration.

Arts Council of Greater Kalamazoo – Concerts in the Park

Concerts in the Park is a summertime musical entertainment series that enhances the vitality of our arts and cultural community and makes Kalamazoo a great place to live and work. Its mission is to provide a variety of musical experiences through free concerts for the greater Kalamazoo community. This program allows the Arts Council to provide opportunities that support our s local musicians and showcase Kalamazoo as a vibrant destination. Since 2011, Concerts in the Park has made a concerted effort to bring a diverse mix of music to the series each summer. Concerts in the Park has featured big band, bluegrass, jazz, soul, gospel, Klezmer, American roots, Irish, country and vocal music. For some attendees, Concerts in the Park is the first exposure to a new genre of music. For others it is an opportunity to hear music that they otherwise might not have the financial resources to enjoy. For all it is a beautiful opportunity to connect with community on a Sunday afternoon. New for 2014 will be the addition of Third Thursdays Jazz, a collaboration with Fontana Chamber Arts and s Parks and Recreation Department. Held in Bronson Park beginning June 19, this series will invigorate s mission to program the Rotary Stage at Bronson Park and create a new and energetic series that benefits all partners.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Kalamazoo – Participating Arts Program

Programs that are free of judgment and encourage self exploration allow children to participate unreservedly and to learn from their experiences. It is this type of environment for which our programs strive. Through full implementation of the Boys and Girls Clubs’ Youth Development Strategy, an environment is created which helps girls and boys enhance their self-esteem and achieve their full potential. The Youth Development Strategy strives to instill a sense of competence, usefulness, belonging, and influence through programs and activities offered at the Club. The Participating Arts Program allows Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Kalamazoo to provide a safe environment for youth to explore and engage in the arts. From choir performances to art exhibits to variety shows to photography to dance recitals, members have been exposed to a myriad of cultural experiences that may not have been possible without the presence of this program. The Clubs’ target population benefits greatly from this opportunity to expand their horizons and build their sense of creativity. Ultimately, a well-rounded education is one that includes the Arts which in turn supports a child’s entire development, including improving their propensity to learn math and science. The Participating Arts Program offers students the opportunity to learn new art forms and the skills involved. It also teaches the importance of participation and practice. Not only does the program offer training for developing new skill sets, it offers an outlet for expression. Many of our youth have very little voice in their homes, their schools, and their communities. Some have been written off by society because of their race or economic status. Their unheard voices have left them with feelings of frustration and anger, and without a positive outlet, they will often act upon those feelings in unhealthy, destructive behaviors. The Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Kalamazoo ensure that our members have an outlet to express themselves.

Disability Network Southwest Michigan – Independent Living Program

For over 30 years, Disability Network Southwest Michigan has been the first stop for people with disabilities and their families – providing independent living, information and referral, peer support, and advocacy and community education services to people across all disabilities. Disability is a normal part of life. It will impact each and every person in the U.S., directly or indirectly through a family member or friend. Disability does not discriminate. More than 80% of Americans will experience disability in their lifetime, either first-hand or by knowing someone with a disability. Too often, living with a disability limits choices for involvement and presents barriers to full and equal participation in community life. Disability is a civil rights and diversity issue. Since disability is about all of us, it requires us to build inclusive communities and to change attitudes about living with a disability. To ensure that the skills and talents of workers and community members with disabilities are not wasted, the independent living programs maximize the leadership, empowerment, independence and productivity of individuals with disabilities and create inclusive communities in which to thrive. Disability Network Southwest Michigan is filling a gap in programming in our community. Its Independent Living Program reduces or eliminates barriers to employment, education and self-sufficiency for people with disabilities and helps people with disabilities achieve social/emotional self-sufficiency by teaching effective problem solving and self-advocacy skills.

Edison Neighborhood Association – Go Green Deconstruction Project

Like other low-income neighborhoods in the nation, the Edison Neighborhood has literally been devastated with tax and mortgage foreclosures in the past 10 years. For Edison, the main foreclosure problem stemmed from landlords refinancing their rental property and then not making the payments, and other landlords realizing the expense of maintenance was greater than the rent they were able to obtain. Coupled with declining property values, these landlords just walked away from these houses. Today, nearly all of these houses are still vacant. They are in such dilapidated condition due to vandals, animal habitats, lack of maintenance, and drug use that nobody will purchase them, even in the County Scavenger Auction for the mere $50 starting bid. Many of these houses, although they are beyond livability, have incredible trim, flooring, foundation beams and other unique materials that can be re-purposed and/or reused in other ways. Taking a deconstruction approach with the goal to reuse all of the materials in home renovations, art projects, landscaping mulch, benches, planters, and a multitude of other uses is far better for our environment than filling up our landfills with usable materials. Our goal is to have only one 40-yard dumpster per house of unusable landfill materials versus the average 120-160 yards of trash put into the landfill with an average demolition. By hiring Kalamazoo Probation Enhancement Program (KPEP) participants to assist in the removal of savable materials, Edison Go Green Deconstruction teaches some of these folks helpful new job skills while they earn a paycheck and a positive job reference for their resume.

Family Health Center – Back to School Bash

The Back to School Bash exists to not only celebrate wellness for at-risk children and families in Kalamazoo’s most vulnerable neighborhoods, but also to incentivize at-risk parents to prepare their children for school with Well-Child exams, immunizations and dental screenings. Last year, over 1,500 children attended the event. Not only do these children receive their annual exams and immunizations, they will also receive much-needed backpacks and school supplies in order to gear up for the school year. Organizers also hope the event serves as a means to educate and support parents who are struggling with poverty, single parenthood, and a variety of stressors that put their families at risk. Back to School Bash’s primary goal is to prepare and ultimately keep children in school. Every year in our community, literally hundreds of children are discharged from school due to inadequate immunization status. These children are not allowed to return to school until they receive proper documentation. Due to office backlogs and last-minute requests for service, children who are already at risk are delayed several weeks thus placing them further behind in their learning. Our goal is to proactively get children immunized, prepared for school, and help keep them well in school.

Kalamazoo Civic Theatre

As true today as it was 85 years ago, theatre and the performing arts remain important elements of not only the human experience, but also the vitality of a community. This is especially true in a world that is becoming more virtual and less face-to-face. Even though e-mail and social media have made it easier for us to communicate with one another, they have also had an effect on our ability as humans to communicate with one another, resolve conflict effectively, and form vital social connections. The theatrical arts provide an opportunity for creative expression, social and emotional development, and communication skill development. Cultural opportunities and outlets are also important in building a diverse, educated and engaged community. Theatre productions offer an especially effective opportunity for this, as plays and musicals often highlight new or unfamiliar cultures, allowing a viewer to see inside the mind of a character different from them and examine events from multiple vantage points. Because the Civic attracts individuals from all over Kalamazoo County, participation introduces people to others that they may not have ever met otherwise resulting in greater awareness and tolerance of others.

Kalamazoo County Land Bank – Riverview Launch

The Land Bank serves Kalamazoo County by eliminating blight, selling side lots, and returning tax-foreclosed and abandoned properties to active use. The project, Riverview Launch, is a redevelopment plan for a six acre tax-foreclosed site located on Riverview Drive in the City of Kalamazoo. The Land Bank facilitated a community conversation in 2013 resulting in a multi-year concept plan to repurpose just under 9,000 square feet including a commercial structure, historic barn, greenhouse and ancillary structures on the site. The project seeks to create a hub of local activity and increase access to community assets. The redevelopment will include site improvements, native plant restoration around the redevelopment, rehabilitation, and some new construction. The site will be used as a community facility for local programming and office space, and importantly, a center of interest and activity for Kalamazoo residents promoting both the Kalamazoo River Valley Trail and the Kalamazoo River. The multi-year nature of the concept plan allows for continued community engagement and community building as an intentional component of the phasing of the project. Importantly, the site will facilitate the growth of valuable community programming. The growing Open Roads Bike Program and MSU Extension are working on programmatic offerings linked to the unique nature of the site. These include a pilot junior master gardener course and linkages with new urban 4-H efforts. In early 2014, a newly crafted native bee house will be installed at the site by 4-H and Trybal Revival Gardens as a part of this effort. Open Roads plans to begin programming and locating at the site in 2014. Plans for youth programming connected to this site will provide opportunities for Kalamazoo youth to experience new opportunities associated with biking, active and healthy lifestyles, growing and gardening, and opportunities to learn business and entrepreneurial skills. Riverview Launch also supports the two primary goals of the Kalamazoo Riverfront Redevelopment Plan: 1) Using the river to bind the East and West sides of the city together, and 2) creating a lively and vibrant Riverfront District.